Hear from an athlete - Dom Kiefer

I want to introduce you to one of the athletes that I work with at CSU. His name is Dom Kiefer and he has been a joy to get to know and watching him grow spiritually is a lot of fun. Meet Dom: 

Hi my name is Dom Kieffer on the CSU men’s golf team and over the past school year I have been meeting with Reza as a part of his Athletes in Action ministry. It was evident that when I met Reza at an Athletes in Action meeting on a random Monday night during the semester over a year and a half ago that he was all in for the Lord. His message was strong and inviting and motivating. The Super Bowl Sunday Athletes in Action spotlight at Timberline Windsor was the first time I really got to meet Reza. When I heard he was going to take a spot on CSU’s Athletes in Action ministry, I was super excited. Since the start of the school year we have met almost every Wednesday. God has revealed a lot through the messages and issues that Reza and I have talked about. We recently went through the first few chapters of Acts and the whole

meaning behind it. Reza has also been very inviting to me coming over to hang out with his family. Every time I come over, I love seeing his kids and listening to what they have to say. Also my time with him has changed how I approach tournaments and hardships. The verse I take with me every where now is 2 Corinthians 12:10 and more specifically,“...for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then I am strong.” It has given me the boldness and the courage to approach any hardship with an open mind and determination. As a golfer and more importantly as a man, I have grown so much while meeting with Reza. He’s a friend that I hope to never lose.

Dom Kieffer
Jr. Mechanical Engineering + Golf Team

Starting a new journey

Life is full of seasons and as Winter has melted away into Spring and Summer is quickly approaching Allyson and I have been reflecting on our personal seasons of life. Sometimes we experience the carefree nature of Summer and sometimes life is gloomy, dark and cold, like Winter.What has allowed us.....