Literally reaching the WORLD with the Gospel

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One of my roles within Athletes in Action is to lead our annual Ultimate Training Camp here in Colorado. This camp is designed to place athletes in a highly competitive environment with athletes from across the country and not only teach them but let them experience competition through the lens of the Gospel. The camp at CSU is one of 4 camps that happen nationwide and we typically have upwards of 400 athletes that are able to attend our camps across the country.

This year we were obviously not able to hold our camp so our UTC executive team got creative and launch the 1st ever Digital UTC called “UTC EVERY” To say it was a risk would be an understatement. How do you take a highly competitive environment and move it online. Would athletes want to a9end digitally? Are they sick of online teaching? Would this work?

Well, just like I said before... OBSTACLES become OPPORTUNITIES when you turn them over to Jesus. The Lord BLEW the lid off of UTC and our impact grew exponentially by moving UTC online this year. Instead of 400+ athletes that would be able to a9end in person, 927 athletes and coaches from ALL AROUND THE GLOBE registered and logged on to UTC EVERY.

  • 240 campuses were represented

  • 29 countries were represented

  • 250+ Decisions were made for Christ

  • 45% Would not have been able to attend a physical location

  • 100% Would recommend UTC to their friends