Fall 2019 End of Semester CSU Update

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Our movement and journey at CSU has been an incredible one over the years. As I am writing this newsletter I am sadly preparing my heart (as is my family) for the upcoming CSU Volleyball Senior Day

match at Moby Arena. The Volleyball team at CSU has become dear to Allyson and me as we have been to many matches in person and have streamed most of their away competitions. This group of

seniors all came into CSU the same year we started doing ministry at CSU full time. They have

become like daughters to us and big sisters to our kids. Randomly through the day we hear “Point Rams” from our son Owen (That’s what the announcer says at Moby when we score) or our youngest

Macy talking about “her athletes” at CSU.

Although we oversee ministry at other campuses (Some of you wont like what’s written below this section ) CSU has our hearts. We live 10 min from campus and have athletes over to our house as much as we can. There is one particular freshman on the track team who just got to CSU this year and has captured my heart. He and I meet every Friday and just last week he called me in tears because circumstances of school, track, finances and a relationship ending were overwhelming to him. I was on the road that day but told him I’d be back in the afternoon and for him
to call me when Track practice was over so I could come pick him up to be with our
family for the night.

I picked him up around 5pm and we took him to our son’s 4th grade choir recital and came home, grilled up food and watched Thursday night football with him. On the ride back home to the dorms he thanked me and said that when he was feeling overwhelmed he never had anyone to call up to this point. He said “I knew I needed to call you and you would help calm me down and tell me about Jesus”.

Friends! This is exactly why we do what we do in the lives of college athletes. Go Rams!